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Members receive details for our special cultural events:
Concerts, Movie Showings, Karneval/Fasching/Fastnacht, Octoberfest, St. Martins Tag Laternenumzug, Nikolausabend,  Weihnachtsmusik, Membership Meeting, and other gatherings. 




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​​​​​​Deutsches Abendbrot mit Unterhaltung /German Conversation Group 

Wir treffen uns monatlich immer am ersten Montag des Monats um 18 Uhr.

This and the Mittwoch Stammtisch below are not an instructional class, but a time for fluent and native German speakers to maintain their language skills.

Leute die gerne Skat oder Schaffkopfspielen, könnten dies auch in netter Runde tun.

Contact Jasmin to join:​​​

Mittwoch Stammtisch

Jeden dritten Mittwoch des Monats kommen wir zusammen bei Woodhouse Brewing and Blending–  komplett informell, in deutscher Sprache. 

Fragen bitte an Angelika wenden: For event reminders and your RSVP please sign up on Facebook: "Santa Cruz Stammtisch" 

Our Deutsche Bücherei/German Library

On the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 -11:30, our German Library welcomes readers.

Check our Home Page for dates and for details.

Filmnachmittage und Abende/German Movie Afternoons and Evenings

Our next film showing is on Jan 18th. Members receive details and Evites.  If you are interested in attending, send us an email. 

Liederkreis/Song Circle

Starts up again on Tuesday Jan 14th -Contact us to partcipate in a German song circle, singing folk songs,  followed by coffee and cake.

Zwergenmusik/Children's Musik Group

Meets Mondays  4:30- 5:15 pm  Musik, Singen, Instrumente, Finger und Bewegungsspiele, Tanz und kleine Basteleien erwarten euch Montags mit Tatjana. Bitte kontaktiert um mitzumachen. 
Sliding scale $15-20/ pro Familie

Vorstandstreffen/Board Meetings

Running our legacy organization and keeping our hall maintained is no small feat. Members are invited and encouraged to join our board meetings to help keep the organization running and to shape our future.  Send an email to get the Zoom link. Our board meetings are generally held on the last Monday of each month at 6 pm. On Zoom. 


See our German Resources page.

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