German Resources
Click here for information about our German Classes.
Guide to help beginners learn to speak German
A treasure trove of information on learning German, daily phrases, expressions, idioms, slang, grammar, food, culture, and links to more resources. ​
For students and teachers of German as a foreign language. A new and comprehensive approach to one of Europe’s major languages. From the producers of Learn French by Podcast.
Free online German lessons for all levels. Popular mobile app.
Learn a language on your coffee break
Free podcasts
Deutsche Welle (DW): Jojo Sucht Das Glück
Soap Opera with lessons for intermediate learners on Deutsche Welle.
Explore Austria and Austrian culture
Things to know about Austria as a holiday destination: Information on travel, tolls, customs, transport, mail, currency, sustainability and tips for barrier-free travel.
The culture of the small Alpine nation of Switzerland is heavily influenced by the cultures of its neighboring nations of France, Italy, and Germany. This is evident in the fact that the major languages of these three countries, namely, French, Italian, and German serve as three of the four official languages of Switzerland (Romansh being the fourth one).
YouTube Channels
The following YouTube channels for learning and improving German language skills each have their own approach and materials, but they all cover the material in an easy-to-follow, progressive, comprehensive, and appealing way.
Most of these have extensive additional resources such as transcripts, worksheets, forums, etc. on their websites:
Slow German - lerne Deutsch mit Annik!
This is an AI program that allows you to train or review or refresh almost any language. You can speak to the AI and you will get answers in the dialect you choose. You can listen to podcasts and read along at the same time. If you run across words you are not familiar with, you can click on that word and it stops the podcast until you either save or decide to go forward. It will also give you various other meanings of a word if you choose. It will save the words you clicked on for review at a later time. There is a free version and an annual fee version for about $300 per year. It is for anyone interested in maintaining fluency or to improve in a language or to start from scratch.
Other Resources
Medicare-Resourcen – A guide translated into German to help senior and disabled immigrants and their families through the Medicare enrollment process with answers to common questions and what is and isn’t covered by the federal health insurance program.