230 Plymouth St.
Santa Cruz, California
Members receive information regareding events and celebrations in the Hall.
Everybody is welcome to join us!
Prices are $20 for members and $27 for non-members, payable by cash or check.
Doors open at 6:00pm - Buffet dinner is served at 6:30pm
Please make reservations made no later than the Wednesday before the event using the reservation form below or by calling the club and leaving a message including your name, number of people and a telephone number.
Dinners for non-members $27
Deutsche Unterhaltungs Gruppe German Conversation Group
Wir treffen uns monatlich immer am ersten Montag des Monats um 19 Uhr beim German American Hall.
This is not an instructional class, but a casual time for German speaking people to get together and converse in German.
Leute die gerne Karten oder Brettspiele spielen können dies in netter Runde tun.